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Memory Studies Journal
Memory Studies is an international peer reviewed journal, which examines the social, cultural, cognitive, political and…
Frakcija – Performing Arts Magazine
Frakcija, a Performing Arts Magazine, was established ten years ago by a group of dramaturgs, theatre theoreticians,…
Journal of Balkan Studies
Journal of Balkan Studies (JBS) is an international, peer-reviewed refereed and academic journal. It is published once…
East European Politics and Societies
East European Politics and Societies (EEPS) is an international, interdisciplinary journal for the examination of…
Maska journal (Slovenia)
Every Maska issue covers a specific field. Along with articles on the chosen topic, the journal also offers interviews…
Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics
Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics (Intersections.EEJSP) is a peer-reviewed, open access…
Aspasia – The International Yearbook of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European Women’s and Gender History
Aspasia is the international peer-reviewed annual of women’s and gender history of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern…
GENERO – A journal of feminist theory and cultural studies
GENERO is an interdisciplinary scientific journal that gathers scholars and researchers in social sciences, humanities,…
TkH Journal for performing arts theory
TkH is an independent (institutionally non-aligned, extra-academic) platform for performing theoretical-artistic…